Tuesday, July 26, 2011

A Balancing Act

When I got to work this morning and found out I was on the patio I thought I might be going home. It looked rather gloomy outside and the forecast said isolated thunderstorms. However, the weather held up. At first there was three of us outside, but someone called out from work, so the third person filled in inside. Then someone wanted to go home, so the second person on patio filled in for her inside. And then there was me.

I had one table for the longest time. Then I finally got another one. And then at once point I had five or six tables all at once. My manager kept asking me, "You ok?" And I was. But then the entire patio was filling up all at once and it was unrealistic that I would be "ok." Finally my manager brought out people from the front of the restaurant to help me out. I managed fine for the rest of my shift, got cut earlier on, rolled my silver ware and had some conversations, then sped home! Made $59 in tips today.

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